North Shore Electorates Campaign Launch

East Coast Bays Northcote North Shore

Come along and meet your potential candidates,

bring your local issues for discussion,

and hear from our Auckland region MPs

David Clendon and Catherine Delahunty

Saturday 16th April 2011 at 2 - 4pm

Takapuna Memorial Hall

(The Strand, Next to Takapuna Library)

Afternoon Tea from about 3pm

Green Party members, family and friends all welcome

For more information, contact Suzi Phillips on 0212712527

NSG Events Calendar

To see other posts and information, scroll down the page below the Events Calendar

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Auckland's Future: Don't say you weren't asked!

The Auckland Council has released it's draft plan for the next 30 years. The main page is here. The "Auckland Unleashed" discussion document is here. How you can provide your feedback is found here.

This is a very important opportunity to ensure that our voices are raised in support for the future Auckland needs.


As the era of cheap oil comes to a close it is more urgent and important than ever that we do all we can to ensure Auckland - and New Zealand - begins to prepare now. We need to support plans to build a fast and efficient public transport system that can keep our city and country moving and working. Whether supplies of oil are interrupted by war or revolution or become ever more expensive due to increasingly intense competition for supply, supporting public transport NOW is a key part of protecting the livelihoods for ourselves and our families in the years ahead.

We also need to do all we can to ensure Auckland grows in a way that makes sense. One of the reasons property rates are so high is because we need so much of it to support our relatively low density land development. Higher densities in designated corridors give clear signals to home builders and businesses about where to locate themselves. This also allow more efficient and cost-effective provision of all services to both home and businesses.

Protecting water sources and watershed areas from development will allow Auckland to maintain a high level of water quality. This should be done in a transparent and accountable way, as a public service. We all have a right to water. We can't allow any gatekeepers to effectively "own" it for their own profit at the expense of all of us.

There is much more. They are all important issues and they will have a direct effect on our futures. Now is the time to make sure our voices are heard promoting a livable, workable city in the years ahead for the 2 million-plus people who will live here...and they are already arriving every day.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jeanette Fitzsimons' announcement

Web site changes

The old design of this site had the Electoral Finance Act very much in mind. It could not be a Green Party web site and it wasn't (and still isn't). To make the difference even more obvious, the colour green wasn't used.

But the election is over and it's time for a new look that reflects 'us'. This look may change again (and again) until we all settle on one we like....or enough of us for it to stop changing.

We've added a couple of things.

There is a Blog Roll at top right. So far, we have blogs by Diane Emerson ("Global Volunteer") and Steve Withers (Truth Seeker"). If you'd like us to add your blog, just let us know.

An insantly updating news roll of 'Twitter Tweets' is now up top where they are easy to see. Twitter allows is to post quick pointers to braking news stories of interest to North Shore Greens. You may also wish to follow "@nsgnz" on Twitter.

If you have any suggestions, we'd be glad to hear them.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jeanette Elley Sings (Northcote Candidate in '08)

Northcote candidate, Jeanette Elley, proved she has some talent as a singer on Saturday night! Jeanette was on stage at the "Dinner with Russel Norman" at FERNZ in Birkenhead. Here are a couple of the songs she sang. Enjoy!

New Green Party TV Election Ads

Ad One

Ad Two

Ad Three

Ad Four

Ad Five (Te Reo / Maori version)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

North Shore Greens Online Resource

This isn't a Green Party web site.

It's a web page where we (we who need to share some things) are able to share our events calendar among people who use a wide variety of software to access the Internet and web-based resources.

If you find your way here and you want to know more about the Green Party of Aotearoa / New Zealand, then please click through to the Green Party web site.

This isn't it.